jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016




Below we have a list of different Professions and an explanation of what each person does in that profession.
Accountant - a person that works with the money and accounts of a company.
Actor /Actress - a person that acts in a play or a movie
Architect - a person that designs building and houses.
Astronomer - a person who studies the stars and the universe
Author - They write books or novels.
Baker - They make bread and cakes and normally work in a bakery.
Bricklayer - a person that helps to build houses using bricks.
Bus driver - a person that drives buses.
Butcher - a person that works with meat. They cut the meat and sell it in their shop.
Carpenter - a person that makes things from wood including houses and furniture.
Chef/Cook - a person that prepared food for others, often in a restaurant or café.
Cleaner - a person that cleans/tidies an area or place (such as in an office)
Dentist - a person that can fix problems you have with your teeth.
Designer - a person who has the job of designing things.
Doctor - a person you go to see when you are ill or have some type of health problem.
Dustman/Refuse collector - a person that collects trash/rubbish from bins in the street.
Electrician - a person that works with electric circuits.
Engineer - a person who develops solutions to technical problems. They sometimes design, build, or maintain engines, machines, structures or public works.
Factory worker - a person that works in a factory.
Farmer - a person that works on a farm, usually with animals.
Fireman/Fire fighter - a person that puts out fires.
Fisherman - a person that catches fish
Florist - a person that works with flowers.
Gardener - a person that keeps gardens clean and tidy. They take care of the plants in the garden.
Hairdresser - they cut your hair or give it a new style.
Journalist - a person that makes new reports in writing or through television.
Judge - a qualified person that decides cases in a law court.
Lawyer - a person that defends people in court and gives legal advice.
Lecturer - a person that gives lectures, usually in a university.
Librarian - a person that works in a library.
Lifeguard - a person that saves lives where people swim (at a beach or swimming pool).
Mechanic - a person that repairs machines, especially car motors.
Model - a (usually attractive) person that works in fashion, modeling clothes and accessories.
Newsreader - a person that reads the news, normally on television.
Nurse - a person trained to help a doctor look after the sick or injured.
Optician - a person that checks your eyes and try and correct any problems with your sight.
Painter - a person that paints pictures or the interior and exterior of buildings.
Pharmacist - a qualified person that works with and dispenses medicine.
Photographer - a person that takes photos.
Pilot - a person who flies a plane.
Plumber - a person that repairs your water systems or pipes.
Politician - a person who works in politics.
Policeman/Policewoman - a member of the police force. They (try and) prevent crime.
Postman - a person that delivers mail to your house.
Real estate agent - a person that makes money from selling land for development.
Receptionist - a person that is at the reception (entrance) of a company.
Scientist - a person that works in the science industry. They do many experiments.
Secretary - a person employed in an office who types letters, keeps records etc.
Shop assistant - a person that works in a shop or store selling products.
Soldier - a person who works for the army.
Tailor - a person that makes clothes for others, many times producing exclusive items of clothing.
Taxi driver - a person who drives a taxi.
Teacher - a person that passes knowledge to students, usually at school.
Translator - a person that translates from one language to another.
Traffic warden - a person that patrols areas to check that people do not park in the wrong place.
Travel agent - a person that organises and sells holidays and flights for others.
Veterinary doctor (Vet) - a qualified person that looks after sick animals.
Waiter/Waitress - a person that works in a food outlet, looking after customers and serving food.
Window cleaner - a person that cleans windows, normally the windows of big buildings.





QUESTION TAGS           

En inglés es frecuente terminar las frases con otra frase corta, de signo contrario, la cual tiene la intención de pedir la opinión o buscar la aprobación del interlocutor: son las llamadas question tags (preguntas coletillas). Estas frases equivalen a: ¿verdad?, ¿no es verdad?, ¿no?, ¿no es así? ¿en serio?
You eat meat, don’t you? (Comes carne, ¿verdad?)
She doesn’t like to dance, does she? (No le gusta bailar, ¿no?)
Alex and Sergio are friends, aren’t they? (Alex y Sergio son amigos, ¿no?)

Grammatical Rules (Reglas gramaticales)

Para formar esta pregunta corta utilizaremos el auxiliar de la frase principal y su sujeto pero de signo contrario. Si no tuviera auxiliar entonces utilizaríamos el auxiliar “to do”.
Si la oración es afirmativa, la pregunta coletilla es negativa y viceversa.
Oraciones afirmativas
Your brother is older than you, isn’t he? (Tu hermano es mayor que tú, ¿no es así?)
You can help me, can’t you? (Puedes ayudarme, ¿verdad?)
John is getting married, isn’t he? (John se casará, ¿verdad?)
You worked yesterday, didn’t you? (Trabajaste ayer, ¿no?)
Sarah likes ice cream, doesn’t she? (A Sarah le gusta el helado, ¿no?)
Oraciones negativas
You’re not from here, are you? (No eres de aquí, ¿no?)
Kate’s not American, is she? (Kate no es americana, ¿verdad?)
Peter never liked Susan, did he? (A Peter nunca le gustó Susan, ¿verdad?)
They didn’t go to class yesterday, did they? (No fueron a la clase ayer, ¿verdad?)
You can’t dance, can you? (No puedes bailar, ¿no?)
Nota: Ten cuidado con los verbos “to have” y “to have got”.
To have got:
They’ve got a dog, haven’t they? (Tienen un perro, ¿no?)
To have:
They have a dog, don’t they? (Tienen un perro, ¿no?)
Excepción: Con el verbo “to be” en la primera persona de oraciones negativas, se usa “aren’t” en la pregunta coletilla.
I am not wrong, am I?
I am wrong, aren’t I

FROM: http://www.curso-ingles.com/aprender/cursos/nivel-intermedio/questions/question-tags


jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016

pruebas de sexto ingles